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Columbia Cundinamarca

Columbia Cundinamarca

Regular price $18.29 Sale

Continent: South America

Country: Columbia

Region: Cundinamarca

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1900 Meters

Grade: Excelso

Cupping Notes: Caramel, Fruity, Bright Acidity


Colombia is renowned for its coffee which has been growing there since the 16th Century and is now one of the most successful coffee producers in the world. An area of great biodiversity, this region has unique microclimates ideal for endowing its coffee with juicy complexity of flavors. The cundinamarca is beautifully full bodied and sweet with sharp citrus fruitiness and notes of honey and nuts. Perfect for any time of day with a creamy mouthfeel, caramel cup with bright acidity bound to make you smile.

Available in:

  • Whole Beans - 12oz
  • Grounds - 12oz