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Guatemala Antigua Kapeu

Guatemala Antigua Kapeu

Regular price $17.99 Sale

Continent: Central America

Country: Guatemala

Region: Antigua Kapeu

Altitude: 1554 and 1828 meters

Process: Washed

Cupping Notes: Milk Chocolate, Hazelnut, Hints of Citrus


Guatemala is known for its farms to be situated in perfect conditions to produce a variety of unique flavors. The temperate regions produce superior coffee that is desired around the world. The Guatemala Antigua Kapeu is from Santa Clara and Anexo farms located in the region of Antigua. Between 5,100 and 6,000 feet, Santa Clara is located in the southern slopes of Antigua Valley having the one of the finest volcanic soils to produce specialty coffee. The perfect altitudes, nutrient dense conditions, and excellently controlled shade from Santa Clara contribute to yielding the highest grade of Guatemala coffee- Strictly Hard Bean (SHB). The hand picked fruit is processed and washed in a traditional mill with crystal clear water. Then patiently sun dried for days in patios, giving each bean a distinctive blue-green color. This sun-dried coffee has the highest standards of quality in Antigua. Every step in the mill is monitored constantly to maintain the quality to create this fine, exquisite and aromatic coffee.

Available in:

  • Whole Beans - 12oz
  • Grounds - 12oz