Welcome to Bernoulli Coffee
Rwanda Nyamasheke

Rwanda Nyamasheke

Regular price $18.29 Sale

Continent: Africa

Country: Rwanda

Region: Western Province

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1500-2000 Meters

Grade: 1

Cupping Notes: Earthy, Nectarine, Juicy and Honeyed with Lingering Acid and Herbaceousness


Located in the Southwestern of Lake Kivu at an altitude of only 4,921 to 6,000 feet, this coffee is grown in the weathered volcanic soil in the hills of Rwanda. With a rainfall of 6.56 feet per year this contributes to the clean mountain water used in the washing process of these beans. When cupped, the flavor is an earthy juicy nectarine that is honeyed with lingering acids and herbaceousness.

Available in:

  • Whole Beans - 12oz
  • Grounds - 12oz